The Magic of Touch

Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork - Katie Horan, MA, LCMT 401.849.7227

Licensed Massage Therapist, Katie Horan, located in the heart of Newport, Rhode Island. Practicing massage therapy since 1996, each client session is customized to address concerns of stress relief, relaxation, injury management or whatever is going on in your body. My goal is to leave you blissed out and utterly relaxed, able to resume the challenges of your life with new vigor.

~ A S T R O L O G Y ~


I have used astrology as a tool for self discovery and divination for over 20 years for myself and others.  Astrology is a wonderful language for psychological understanding,  allowing you to realize your highest and best potential. 

Readings available  :

  • Birth chart, your lifetime job description. 

  • Solar return,  an annual checkup.

  • Transits,  what's up, and when does it end?

  • Composites, who are we together? 

Astrology Reading Fee: $85